
You are currently at just-stop-and-shop.blogspot.com
We are 2 secondary students
We are officially opened on 30/11/2008
You can reach us at juststopandshop@gmail.com {replies within 48 hours}
JSAS has officially stopped all sales of preorder except the few
JSAS also has stop supplying.
JSAS will be bringing in instocks from now on

Total number of hits from 30 Nov:

since 30 Nov





JSAS will be MIAing.
firstly, most preorders will be cancelled.
sorry for not informing you guys, but i've mailed those emails i still can remember.
secondly, mails will be replied late.
thirdly, the reason for this is cox sch is reopening and we will be rather busy with school work and stuffs.
anything you are unsure, feel free to ask us through our email. [[:



Item Code: #008
white skinny
size 27
never worn before, but worn once/twice by previous blogshop owner.
letting go at $10 only!{swaps available}
fast deals at $9!

Item Code: #009
NF black skinny, size 28.
brand new!
letting go at $18 only! {swaps available, slight nego}
fast deals at $16!

Item Code: #010
little miss twins in green
free size
worn twice. still in good condition!
letting go at $8 only! {swaps available, slight nego}
fast deals at $7

Item Code: #011
black fbt shorts
curve cut, NDF
size S.
brand new in packaging. wiith tag on.
letting go at $10{no swaps}

Item Code: #012
white fbt shorts
straight cut, NDF
size S.
brand new in packaging. with tag on.
letting go at $10{no swaps}

Item Code: #013
hot pink jumper skirt
shorts attached inside.
free size.
mail me for pics if interested.
letting go at $15{slight nego and swaps available}






Package A:
1000 tags - $5
2000 tags - $10
3000 tags - $15
4000 tags - $20
5000 tags - $25

100 tags per day
we don't provide reports.
we tag at different timings for this.
best way to see is to put a counter for daily hits.
you will see the difference.

Package B:
1000 tags - $7
2000 tags - $14
3000 tags - $21
4000 tags - $28
5000 tags - $35

100 tags per day
guaranteed no repeat of url
we provide reports for free

Package C:
Available only if you are thinking of engaging us as a long time advertiser.
Name your own price and number of tags.
As long as it is reasonable, we'll accept.
Reports may be free or may add depends on the price you're offering or we may not offer reports.

1. Before you decide to engage us as your advertiser, pls read all terms & conditions.
2. 100% of the payment must be in first before we'll start work.
3. Payment only through meetups.
4. Meetups preferred at Bishan, other places may be considered. Just request.
5. We will start tagging once payment is made.
6. If packages with reports, reports will be given daily.
7. Please have a advertisment board that has no word limit and allow avatars.
8. Please think of your own tagline.
9. Please include your url in the tagline ;D

Order Form
handphone number:
blogshop url:
total number of tags:
tags per day:
start date:
end date:
date,time,place for meetup for payment:



hi people,
i'm like rather pissed off by a few things.
  1. i helped some of you pay for your item cox my supplier sending in orders the next day and i hope to get it earlier for your. yet, when i say that the item is coming, your start ignoring my smses. We WON'T help anyone pay first. We will just cancel your order if similar thing happen again.
  2. this happened in my previous blogshop. we got scammed by our nf shorts supplier's supplier. and we told our customers. yupp, and its very crappy. there were 11 orders. and i stated super clearly in the terms&conditions that no refunds would be made if cheated by supplier. yet one of them{unknown} demanded on the tagboard for a refund. like pls, it's your fault not reading the terms&conditions. i know like ya part of my fault about the supplier scamming thing. but the thing is, 11 orders i earned only $11. she expect me to refund her 100%. and i told her it is impossible cox i'm also schooling. i'm not working kays. and she said 50%. ok and at last we agreed with 25%. ok your might think 50% of $15.50{the selling price i put for nf shorts that time} is only like $8. but you think, 11 orders = $88. omost a $100. i can't cought out that much. and yes i can blacklist her you know for not reading the t&cs and giving me so much excuses. worse thing she even bargain lor. cox she was helping a few other of her frens to order also. so the 25% of $77.50{she ordered 5 nf shorts} was $19.375 she say $20. so i thought ok lar since it was that few cents. and i told her to give me time to raise the money cox still got other 6 customers. then when i tell her right, she ask how much i refunding her. i tell her $20. then she say "huh, can $24? only $4 more" fcuker. i can don't refund her plus blacklist her for bargaining with me. my supplier refuse to refund cox it's also stated in her t&c. ok so i didn't went to bug her. you know what did that customer said? i'm not trying to be what but just you have your difficulties. we have too. this was what she said "hey can you refund us like at least 50% la? you earn so much surely got money to refund us one what. don't tell me you can't. we disobeyed our parents and bought from you. we trusted you so much. and yet you don't want to refund us? our parents will kill us for sure one. can you pls refund us 50% of the total? pls, pls, pls. i need to account to my friends. please think for us. if you don't refund us, we will go report to police and blacklist you." ok i so want to like blast off. ok but i didn't and that's why i agreed to refund 25%, if similar cases happen, we will not refund ok. we are victims also. if you want, we can refund you what we earn. that's like $1? or maybe even 50cents? i don't think you want also bahhs.
  3. to those type of people, i tell you this. "we don't earn much from this blogshop. we just earn that bit to pamper ourselfs. you think we want to be scammed? no right! so stop bugging those blogshop owners that already state in the t&c that 0% refund will be made. call police? what can you say? i steal your money? no cox it was my supplier that scam my money. i don't refund? i state it clearly in t&c that 0% refunds made and you should have read. if you didn't read then too bad."
  4. if you think reading no. 2 and 3, you think our service is very bad and our attitude sucks, try thinking this way. your allowance is average. you cre8 a blogshop hoping to earn abit of money to pamper yourself. then you meet a scammer. your customers are super not understanding and accuses you not understanding their difficulty. the truth is your also don't understand our difficulties. then you trying to be a kind soul decide to refund 25% of the money. and i'm very fair i refund to all my customers, not only that unreasonable customer. and then that customer ask you to add a bit more saying it is easier to give back to her friends. then now ask you add again. and $24 can't divide by 5. the main reason she want to get the refund is just to get more money back and not easy dividing. you don't even want to understand our difficulties. so why should we understand yours? ok and we tolerate her and said NO cox we already added for her and never add for other customers. it's like she's already got special price. then she answer back "$4 only. =.= nvm lor -.-" and she kept saying she's how disappointed that she trust us so much and then like that. we are trustable, but we can't promise all our suppliers are 100% scam free. i mean like you won't know until you order right?
  5. moral of the story = read t&c before purchasing. and think carefully and don't go mia. if you don't want pls tell me. at least your offence is not that heavy. this is like the 3rd time ppl going mia on me. i might blacklist and might not. i will wait for a few more days. if no reply = blacklist.
yes i know that most of you will go like "wlau how can you like that? people's hard earn money leh!" then my money not hard earned?
so if you want to comment on this, think twice.



1.the above black heart tee.[brand new/worn once]
price: below $12

2.baby pink, deep purple nf shorts. size 27[brand new/worn once]
price: below $14

3.black mango tanktop/basic tee[brand new/worn once]
price: below $13

have any of the above?
mail us with REAL pictures and size + measurements etc.
all details included.
instocks only please!
swaps preferred. ;D
but i'm willing to pay also.
pls state the condition of it.
tys ;D



fbt shorts preorder currently paused.
we nid to find a new supplier.
hence supply rates and price might have slight changes.
we found 2.
pls tell us which you prefer.
1. cheaper pricing, need capping, waiting unknown.
2. ndf $10.50, df $12.50, no capping, takes around 1-2 days.
yupp we will soon put a poll up for you to vote.



hi people [[:
we are back
there's some misunderstanding for mgl shorts preorder.
so those who bought, pls email me.
cox i nid to double check your orders.
so those order pls email me in this format.
email ok, don't sms (:
hp number:
item: mgl shorts preorder 1
item details: ______{colour}, _______{length}, _______{size}
amount: $16, after 5% $15.20
paid?: paid/unpaid*
meetup location: ______

ok pls fill up.



hey people
i will be on holiday till this friday 19 dec ;D
bak at night.
hence all mails should be replied either 19 dec at night OR 20 dec
if not, pls send in all enquiries etc now.
i can still reply till 17 dec 3pm or later depends.
mgl shorts will be delayed as said in one of the previous posts
  1. One of JSAS's owner will be on holiday till 19 dec night.
  2. JSAS mails will be replied by 19 dec night once i reached sg OR 20 dec morning when i wake up.
  3. I am the only one active here, hence mails within this period will not be replied till the dates stated.
  4. If not, send in your mails now to juststopandshop@gmail.com by 17 dec 3pm.
  5. Those who bought from mgl shorts preorder, will be getting a 5% discount for the late delay due to many things cropped up this period.
  6. I advise you not to sms me as i will be overseas. Even though i won't be able to receive it.
  7. We will be bringing in more preorders and instocks too.
  8. We wish to receive some feedbacks from people and tell us what we can improve on and what you expect to see in our blogshop the next time you visit.
  9. To ensure that everyone read this, we also added this auto response message informing you that we are going on holiday.
  10. We are still looking for any cheap suppliers ya. More info, click on Looking For under naviagtions.
  11. Haven fun shopping with JSAS! ;D



hey people!
we won't do swaps from now.
unless we initiated as we are rather cash tight.
however you can initiate for swaps.
i'll still see but little chances i will do swappings.
and we'll be bringing in more instocks ;DD
so stay tune.

Labels: ,


new announcements!
i will be going on holiday.
date to be confirmed again.
hence, mgl shorts preorder 1 collection delayed again =.=
sorry arhhs.
more info will be updated soon.
anything unclear, pls email.
try not to sms me kayys.
my partner will be bak on 19 dec but i'm the one in charge of mgl shorts hence nid wait till i bak ><



hey we are looking for suppliers that can supply these items:
  • opaque leggings
  • 女人我最大spree
  • colorized tees
  • gucci lanyards
  • nf shorts [below $14.50, must be reliable]
  • nf skinnies [below $17, must be reliable]
  • eye shimmers [$1.30 or cheaper]
  • toy rings
  • cardigans
  • rhinestone thongs
  • lil miss racerback
  • fbt jerseys
  • tv watches
  • tunic tube [$9 or cheaper]
  • mickey mouse mp3
  • smocked tube
  • couple tees
  • cheap fbt shorts [NDF $9, DF $10.50 or cheaper, prefer no cappings]
  • BF Tees
  • jumper skirt OR shorts
  • any cheap clothes sprees
  • hoodies
  • backpacks
  • bag sprees

do you supply any of those on top?

mail me your rates NOW.


do you take stocks direct from warehouse/shops?

mail us what you supply and your supply rates also!




hey people!
this announcement is to all who ordered mgl shorts.
there's a slight delay.
i will be collecting it only on thursday.
will inform you girls once collected.
something cropped up today and i can't meet my supplier to collect.
no worries! will get your shorts ASAP.
thx for your understanding.
we've added a mailing list.
subscribe to our mailing list now! ;D



for swaps, add $3
fast deals = no questions asked & meetup within 24 hours

Item Code: #001
Baby pink F21 bangle (shown on the pic at the right)
selling cox it doesn't suits me
brand new
letting go at $5{swaps available, no nego}
fast deals $5 + foc meetup from yishun to toapayoh

Item Code: #002
Hotpink Patent Belt
brand new
letting go at $5{swaps available, no nego}
fast deals $5 + foc meetup from yishun to toapayoh

Item Code: #003
hotpink NDF curve fbt
brand new, with tag, in package
letting go at $11{no swaps, no nego}{why more ex? its instock and same from what u get from the preorder}
fast deals $10

Item Code: #004
silver clutch
used once
letting go at: $11{slight nego}
fast deals $10

Item Code: #005
Vest in blue checkered
smocked at the back
brand new
letting go at $14{swaps available, slight nego}
fast deals $13

Item Code: #006
Purplish Faded Shorts
Tagged size 25
brand new
letting go at $15{no swaps, slight nego}

Item Code: #007
White Cardigan
Bought from this fashion
it got this effect at the buttons there seen on the picture. not those plain type.
bought for $20
brand new
letting go at $15{no swaps and no nego}
fast deals $14



hey people i am back! ;D
my partner still overseas and she'll be back on 19 dec.
we've been not updating the blogshop for a long time.
i'm real sorry, but i would say that i will cancel everybody's order except mgl shorts preorder 1
reason: my com tio virus and infos are gone.
that's why i cancelled some preorders etc.
and good news! mgl shorts will be collected tomorrow.
means you girls can collect it on tuesday alr! ;D
and pls do not tag on my enq board asking me to mail you.
pls mail me!
OR ELSE, i will just ignore you ;Xx



dryfit: thicker material, rougher
non-dryfit: thinner material, silkier

colours avaliable for NON-DRY FIT, STRAIGHT CUT:black, navyblue, blue, orange, red, white, silver, limegreen, darkgrey, hotpink, purple
colours avaliable for NON-DRY FIT, CURVE CUT:black, navyblue, blue, light blue, orange, purple, white, darkgrey, limegreen, silver, hotpink
colours avaliable for DRY FIT, CURVE CUT:black, navyblue, darkgrey, red, orange/white, purple/white, limegreen/white, lightblue/white, navyblue/double white stripes, white/double navy blue stripes, black/limeline, grey/limeline

sizes avaliable for the above: S, M, L, XL, XXL

prices for NON-DRY FIT: $10.50 EACH.
prices for DRY FIT: $12.50 EACH


for other colours and sizes not listed here, email us at juststopandshop@gmail.com to enquire! we'll ask our supplier for u! we have most of the designs here, just that we didnt note down. :)
*NOTE* will end every monday 10pm



black mgl

dark denim mgl

grey mgl

light denim mgl

white mgl

There's LONG & SHORT.
LONG - length 9.5 inches
SHORT - length 6 inches

Size S [ fits NF shorts size 25/26 ]
Size M [ fits NF shorts size 27/28 ]
Size L [ fits NF shorts size 29/30 ]

selling 1 at $16 only!
capping at 5 only!



colours available: black & white
selling 1 set for $4
1 set = 10 jelly bands!
you can mix 5 black and 5 white without extra charges!
hurry! and order them now!
taking stocks direct from shops. able to get it 1-2 days after preorder closed.
want to get it immediately without waiting for the preorder to close?
pay an extra fee of $1 to get it earliest 2 days later as we need time to go down the next day first.
however, it might have slight delay if OOS

*NOTE* this preorder will end every monday.
